How to confirm a booking ?

Simply clic on that button :

Book now

We do not charge the card before you come: it’s only a guaranty in case of cancellation. See our cancellation conditions

Are yoga mats provided ?

Yes !) however, feel free to bring your own material if you prefer.

Is there a minimum level required to join these yoga retreats ?

There is no "level" required here: the invitation during those yoga sessions is to mainly "listen" and "observe" the feeling of the moment, both physically and mentally, and always come back to the present moment. So either you have been practicing for a long time or not, it doesn't matter.

Which language is used during the yoga sessions ?

We use both French and English. We adapt the language according to the participants. If necessary, we speak both French and English during the session

Are breakfasts, lunches and diners included during the retreats ?

During this retreat, you will be served daily organic breakfasts and home made picnic lunches during Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday excursions. Also the Thursday and Sunday brunches are included. Lunches during visit of Antibes are extra (15 to 20 EUR/person).
Dinners will be at your own leisure, to give more flexibility to your own needs. There is a choice of 4 restaurants walking distance in St. Jeannet, or a selection of take away food from the local shops, as well as local produces, to organize your own dinner at The FrogS House using the big open kitchen, entirely at your disposition.
Very often our guests chose to go together to the restaurants, or get organised to shop during the day and cook together in the evening.

At what time is the check in ?

We do our best for the rooms to be ready by 3pm. If you want to arrive earlier, you will be very welcome to settle in if the room is already ready. If not, we can also keep your luggage in our lounge room until the room is prepared. You can arrive anytime you want! If we are not home (on excursion for instance, see below), we will leave you a note on the main door, with the code of the house and all the information to get to your room : )

Is there a 24h reception service ?

We use the same system mentioned above, so you can arrive at any time during the night too.

At what time is the check out ?

Please free the room by 11h30. We can also keep your luggage in our lounge room if you need.

When and how can I pay ?

At the end of your stay. You can use cash, money transfer or credit card. However, there will be a 2% commission fees for the use of credit card.

Where can I have diner ? Do you offer hald board stay ?

There are 4 restaurants in the village, all 2mns walking distance from the house. We also organise « table d’hôte » on reservation. Our guests are also welcome to use our big open kitchen to organise their own diners.

How do I get to Saint Jeannet ?

Please see the page Contact & access
By car, train, buses, planes…everything is possible. A map will show you where saint jeannet is situated in comparison to Nice and the French riviera.

Where can I park my car ? is it free ? is it safe ?

We don’t have a private car park, but the public car parks are all very safe : this is where most of the habitants of saint Jeannet park their own cars, and so do we.
They are all free of charge, and 5mns from us at the entrance of the village. See the menu Contact & accès for more details.

How do I do if I have lots and/or heavy luggage ?

You can drive up in front of the Auberge to drop everything and then GO BACK to the car park to leave your car :


In any case we warmly recommend you to travel light : for the health of your back...and ours : The FrogS’House is set on 4 floors, without elevator :)

Are the bedrooms equiped with TV ?

No, we chose not to put TV in the rooms. A flat screen Tv is available in the lounge room, and in the private lounge room of the « Suite ».

Do you have air conditionning ?

No, we rarely need it in Saint Jeannet : the geographical situation (450m high, close the hills) gives us very comfortable temperatures, even in the middle of August. Plus, it doesn’t suit the sustainable practises that we are attached to.

Why the FrogS House ?

Our English speaking friends call the French people « Frogs » because of our habit to eat frog legs…not that often though ! This is also how our Australian friends used to call us when we were students near Sydney for about a year, it is a good memory…

Why did you settle in Saint Jeannet ?

This is where Benoit grew up (his parents moved here when he was eight years old). You will soon find out that when you have once visited Saint Jeannet, you always want to come back.

Bed linen, towels, and cleaning of bedrooms

Of course we provide bed linens and towels. We don’t change towels nor clean rooms everyday automatically. Please simply let us know 24h ahead if you would like your room to be cleaned, orif you need fresh towels :)